I'm 5'4" and I run shit, just don't look it. Nowadays, taller folk are given more credence
Sometimes I miss getting picked for basketball in gym early, used to piss off the taller folk :) Used to pass and shoot good, thanks to working alongisde my ma cleaning up a middle school; library was shit, and I knew the dead spots on the gym floor; with time, any amazing shot can be made
That video just wiped out any thoughts I had on your poetry... or was it poetry?
About a thousand years ago, when the upper class white people of Europe were wearing armor to bust heads, the average height of a male was 5'4". Why do women keep looking for taller men to breed with? Taller men command a bigger presence in the crowd, but now, there are no more crowds worth commanding....
taller represents dominance and power
woman want a man that runs shit