Fuck I hate my school
I go to a all boy high school that has the building with another so we got no space and have to share gym time with the other half
we get out at 5:00 at night and everyone else at 2:00
we have to wear suits and ties and can't do anything or your out of uniform
u have to wear black/brown casual shoes, black school blazer, red tie, "exeptable" hair cut, and you should get what else.
The classes are hard and long (that's what she said) kids are stupid, and because some domb ass got his iPod stollen I has to sneak to listen to mine.
Everytime I do something to stand out from the domb asses that's not against the rules, the school makes me stop because the dumb asses will do it.
They do gay shit, I was malestes in the locker, I have to share my locker so I got no space, and the food sucks
every morning we have to stand up for an hour listening to the same shit and say this creed.
God I hate my school
Crap/ That's horrible. What is malestes?
To have a large blunt object inserted into the anal area of a persons body