Well since my mom knows I'm smart now, she knows I can get all A in all of my classes
but the thing is, I dont care about school
I pretty much know all I need to know
but now because Im behind on some work she took my game (still thinking it has effect on me)
the thing is that I'm behind because the two day that my class was reading, I was home sick
so now I have to go back and read what I missed, do the work, and keep doing the work I got now.
How the fuck am I supposed to do all of this shit
I cant do it at home because I cant take the book home
The thing is that I saves all my money up to buy a new game yesterday and as soon as I was gonna ask if she could take me, my teacher sent her a email telling her
I hate my fucking school
Heres my awesome car again
being smart sucks right.
The worst port is that I did some of it but the teacher wont take partial credit