So I got lots of clothes, MW3, Rocksmith, and another copy of Bayonetta.
Rocksmith review: I think it tries to hard to be like guitar hero. The hand-eye coronation is impossible when you have 6 strings and 22-24 frets. Also they dont include things like 7 strings and floyd rose tuning, but that is just being an ass about things. Its pretty good for people learning to play, but if you already know how, its just $200 of a $100 guitar, $20 game $30 cables, and $50 tabs for songs you probably dont wanna learn.
I would get it to learn, but not to play.
good teacher, bad game.
Why is it a game for xbox and PS anyway?
im buying rocksmith so i can get better at guitar i wanna learn to play outshined by soundgarden
All I wanna Learn is a red fang song. The rest I could learn from guitar pro