If only those bombs went off
it would've been so awesome
and now the news are talking about it all day
trying to relate it to the movie and comics
it could've happened to anyplace but just because its a batman premier it had to be motivated by the 80's comic of a crazy guy shooting in a porno theater
I say we cover our homes in bombs and go shoot out random stores to get the message through that this isn't a huge incident
now theyre talking about making me a suspect to future shootings
I cant do metal detectors in my toilets
This is so true. 12 people died simply by getting shot and the world stops because it was in an American theater. and the politics ..smh. Its just silly because there not even aloud to be truly genuine ..so why even listen to what they have to say.
I don't want to devalue those lives. It is a sad thing. But SO MANY people die everyday ..much more violent/painful deaths.
It just feels so fake.
and its sickening to even think that you can give undue attention to people that die. if you know what I mean.
The worst part is that they're comparing it to 9/11
They're saying I'm a possible terrorist because I'm cool
I'm not a Muslim extremest
That guy wasn't an extremest
He's just a killer
Kinda cool killer
The trip bombs at his home would have been a great idea
Only cops would be hurt so I'd be OK with it