Why does all the trending YouTube chalanges kill you?
And its not a quincidental kill, but a scientific kill
Cenimon and marshmellos can choke you to death
Dry ice and salt is too damn scientific for some dumb ass with a camera to think of
Who designs these chalanges?
Ok... i was going to say something about the burger. Then I realized it wasn't a burger.
But anyway, some folk are just dumb. They do silly things, take it too far and get hurt. I remember when planking was popular, some kid died from it.
Yeah, but its weird that all the stuff ends up killing or hurting people
It seems to well planned out
Who knew that dry ice and skin would burn and stick to your skin?
Who's the asshole that recorded themselves doing it?
They start somewhere with the intent of others killing themselves
If it wasn't there would be little chalanges like watch a cat juggle a burger for 10 hours
And I got allot of people with that Burger
Now its on a internet scale