wen't to my schools orientation
found out I its in the middle of no where
had to stay the night and learn a bit of the place and some of the income freshmen
turns out allot of them all live near me supposedly
I wanted to leave my city but it ended up following me
found a stalker and a girl that plays guitar hero
friend from my high school too so I know who I'm riding back and forth with
I'm in college now
(can't embed)
So you're going to commute back and forth, or find a place close to school?
Too damn long to get there from my house and I have no job or enough love from my mom for her to buy me a place
I'm living on campus for a while
might find someone who does live near and move in with them
might preach communism and get to mooch off them
They give me free food and shelter
I give them ideas from capitalist society