So turns out majoring in music is more of a waist than I thought concidering I got nothing useful from it
Also no ones gonna give me money when I'm not going for an "in demand" major
so I'm changing my major to buisness and just keep doing what I've always been doing
bullshitting and playing guitar
Hopefully next semester will be more productive
Maybe I'll actually record a song
Now here's a few songs I've recently started liking
Did the right thing, can always get something good out of a business degree. At least you didn't go for liberal arts or pottery or some shit. Just keep playing guitar, right or wrong, you'll get better.
Dont really plan to get much out of college at all though
I'm going for fun and independence mostly
Majored in music thinking I could network with someone who could help me
so far the best people I know are freshmen who live in the same dorm as me
But I guess in 4 years and I still haven't recorded shit it would be about time to think about...
getting a job