Ever tried deep fried butter?

gofuk @KILLY12

Age 30, Male

You can't make me

kill people burn shit fuck sch

Joined on 2/11/08

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KILLY12's News

Posted by KILLY12 - April 3rd, 2010

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Posted by KILLY12 - April 2nd, 2010

how come everytime I see fat girls walking as a group, their are always see one skinny girl.
Always just 1. never more than 1 unless its a really big group (meaning size of the fat girls.

Why is that

2 out of 3 woman are fat

Posted by KILLY12 - April 2nd, 2010

I'm glade this was my spring break because this is the warmest weak this year so far.ant wait for the summer tho

good weak

Posted by KILLY12 - April 2nd, 2010

I would do her

Tokyo Gore Police

Posted by KILLY12 - April 1st, 2010

Damn this I day is geting boring. l'm getting tired of this I shit.

l Hate this I stuff now

Posted by KILLY12 - April 1st, 2010

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Posted by KILLY12 - April 1st, 2010

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Jimmie and Blackjack are dead. It's just me and Penelope left. I've been shot pretty badly, but I bandaged myself up as well as I could. Jimmie used to write up journals and records on this thing, but seeing as how he's dead, I guess I can use it. Penelope got out of the raid just fine, it's a wonder that that old bastard didn't shoot her as well, surprising that she knew to get out of the radius of Jimmie's grenade, too. Oh, just for some clarification, I suppose I should write about myself. My name is Ace, at least, that's my raider tag. I like to keep my real name secret, just in case I ever want to quit raiding and live a normal life. Last thing I'd want is for some hick neighbour of mine pulling out his rifle because he had heard a raider named Ace had killed his kid during a raid. Anyway, like I said, Jimmie and Blackjack are gone. I had to run like a bat outta hell just to not get torn apart, as well. The raid was just so fucked up, I swear, if there was a Hall of Fame for raids gone wrong, our's would be in it, for sure. I guess I should write about it while it's still fresh in my mind.

"Hey Jimmie, don't be fucking with those grenades, man." I said, Jimmie tossing one up in the air, catching it as it plummeted. Jimmie smirked at me. "Pfft, come on, Ace. Scared? Not like it's gonna explode in my fucking hand!" I narrowed my eyes as he tossed the damn thing up again, catching it as it fell back down. "You can never be too sure with those things." I muttered. Jimmie held it up near my face. "Pin's still inside, calm the hell down, jeez." Blackjack was kneeling by a large rock on the clifftop, looking through the scope of his rifle. Now, I wouldn't call it a sniper rifle exactly, but it did have a scope and Blackjack had a good eye, so whatever. Blackjack was a tall negro and he was pretty thin, so he almost looked sort of like a shadow. Jimmie looked like the very picture of a badass-brawler. Tall and muscular with a shaved head, a dark stubble goatee, and a nasty scar going under his left eye, over his nose and over his right eye, definitely used to look like someone that no one would want to fuck with. The two of them were wearing a ragtag assembly of leather and chains, only adding to the "don't fuck with me unless you wanna get your teeth kicked in" look they both had going on. Aside from his frag grenades Jimmie was also loaded with a combat knife and a tire iron. I myself had a 44. magnum I had found once on one of my earliest raids, but ammo for it was kind of scarce, so I saved it for bad times. Instead, I usually used a set of brass knuckles with sharp little spikes at the ends of each finger. Penelope was resting on the ground nearby, not a sound coming from her, which was normal just before a raid. We had all been scoping out the raiding spot for a few days by that point, just making sure that it was as safe as possible, so there would be no nasty surprises. It was a simple two-story house out in the middle of fucking no where. Blackjack couldn't see inside the house because it looked like the windows were boarded up, which wasn't good, but whatever. We were up on a cliff maybe a kilometer and a half from the place. We had only ever seen a few young women come in and out of the place. Sometime one of the women would head out for somewhere, probably Illust, but they were never gone for very long. Blackjack said that he could see them carrying stuff in bags to the house, usually. In total we figured that there were four young women, all of them sixteen, and the old man, who looked like he was around fucking sixty. Jimmie laughed. "That old bastard is probably fucking the lot of them!" He said. "Don't be so sure." Blackjack said quietly. Jimmie gave him a look. "Come on, you know he is. Maybe he has food or something and that's how he pays them for their company? Never know!" Blackjack shook his head, "No, can't be that. I've never seen them hug or kiss any of them. Maybe they're his daughters?..." Jimmie grinned. He must have been holding back a laugh. "Yeah right." He said. "Even if they were, people hug their kids. He must like saving the kinky shit for inside the house, hah!" I shook my head gently. "Something's not right about this." I said.

We stuck around on the clifftop until the sun set. Penelope was getting hungry, and frankly, I'm not surprised. She always gets the least food of us all. I try to be as nice as I can to her, but Jimmie gives me weird looks when I do. Guess that's not much of a problem now, though...Jimmie could be a real asshole sometimes, but he did have a nicer side to him. One of his best qualities was loyalty. Loyalty is definitely something you want a raiding partner to have. Getting shot in the back over a few caps is bullshit. Anyways, the sun was down, but we could see a faint light in the distance. It was coming from the house we were gonna raid, it had some lights on. Blackjack shook his head, and I think it was from admiration, because he's not the jealous type. "They actually have electricity. Can you imagine how long it must have taken them to get everything working? The old man must have been a teenager when everything was started!" I shook my head. "They probably just found a generator somewhere and hooked it up in their house." Jimmie grinned savagely. "Hah! Stupid bastards! Their house, our house! I don't plan on sharing any good wealth I get, like electricity. Maybe though, if you guys were to kiss my ass, I'd share with you." Blackjack looked up from his rifle, I sighed slightly, and Penelope didn't really react. Blackjack gave Jimmie the finger as I grinned and said "We've kissed your ass enough times to get rad poisoning, we need a break!" Jimmie grinned and shrugged, saying "Alright, cool, no need to pander my ego, I suppose." Blackjack smiled, picking up his rifle. "Whatever, look, if we're gonna do this, then let's do this." I nodded as Penelope got up to her feet. I checked my magnum, popping out the middle part, forget what it was called, the chamber? I dunno, all I know is that I popped out the middle part with the bullets, making sure it was loaded. I whipped it to the right slightly so the chamber-barrel-thing would ram inside the main frame of the gun. "Alright, let's go." I said, putting my magnum away in a holster I kept by my side, under my left arm. I slipped on my spiked knuckles, following as Blackjack and Jimmie walked along, going along a path that Blackjack had found along the cliff one day. Penelope followed close behind me. She seemed pretty tired. I was feeling pretty drained, too. "So..." Jimmie started out. "...Here's the plan. Ace and Penelope can scout around the house, see how many exit points there are, try and maybe look through any of the windows to try and figure out where they're all hanging out in there. Me and Blackjack will rush through the closest door to them all and take control right then and there. I'll probably just ice the old guy right then and there, put the little pussy girls right in line. Then Ace and Penelope can come in and start looking for stuff. If any of the girls resist, Blackjack will dust their asses. I might hurt a few of them myself, just to...Entertain myself, heh heh..." Blackjack didn't respond to Jimmie's words, but I knew he was listening. I shook my head gently at his words. Jimmie had done some pretty fucked up shit before, so we knew he was capable of some horrible things. Blackjack always seemed to be the kind of guy who never really wanted to raid, but was driven to do it by the harshness of the wasteland. I nodded. "The usual plan, right. Sounds good." Jimmie grinned. We all continued to make our way down the cliff side, nearing the bottom of the path that Blackjack had spotted, all of us having to watch our step, the path being pretty unstable. One wrong step could send you right over the edge of the cliff right down to a nasty splat.

We made it to the bottom of the cliff around twenty or thirty minutes later. Sneaking over to the house in the darkness, not a sound passed between any of us as we made our way over to the house. Once again, I found myself looking around at the wasteland. You'd think I was looking for enemies or any jackass with a gun that could come strolling along, but no...I was just looking at the decayed scenery, wondering how the world could've ever have gotten the way it was. The only trees around were withered and dead, and even then, they were few and pretty far between. Massive rock piles and large cliffs were a fairly common thing around here. The ground was dusty and light brown. I think grass had gone extinct ages ago or something, because there was none around here. My mom once told me what the world was like before the war happened when I was a little kid. Being a kid, of course I was fascinated by her stories, any story at all, but this one stood out in my mind. I knew wars were bad, but just how bad could it have gotten for the world to end up like this? A soft, cool desert wind swept along the dark wasteland, chilling us all a little. Within around another fifteen to twenty minutes of quick walking later, we were close to the house, just a few steps from the nearest wall. Jimmie whispered "Okay Ace, go check it out." I nodded, walking off with Penelope. I followed along the left side which was actually the house's right side, the wall where we had approached the house from being it's backside and having no windows or doors, leaving it blank with nothing for me to check. I went around the corner of the house. There were two windows set into the wall, but no doors. The windows were mostly boarded up with planks of nasty rotten wood, probably taken from furniture within the house. They did a crappy job, too, as several large cracks of light were able to slip out between the boards, but the cracks weren't big enough for me to see anything through. My eyes were adjusted to the dark by that point, so I couldn't see jack-squat. I didn't hear any sounds coming from within the house. Right then and there I really started to get a bad feeling about the raid.

I went around the next corner of the house, so I was at it's front. There was a door along with three windows, two at ground-level by the door and the third higher up, like it was on the second floor. The windows were, again, shoddily boarded up. Just then, I suddenly heard some talking inside the house. It sounded like two of the young women that we had seen before. I couldn't pick up their words, but I knew that they were talking. I ignored their voices for the time being and crept past the next corner to check out the fourth and final wall of the house. Two more horribly-boarded up windows, nothing more. Hell, I could do a better job by myself! I went around the next corner, back to the backside of the house, to Jimmie and Blackjack, Penelope following me still. "Seven windows total, two on each side 'cept for this one, a third on the front of the house at the second floor. All of the windows are boarded up, too. The only door is on the front side, and it's not boarded up or anything." Blackjack nodded, letting his rifle slip down from his shoulder to his hands, having been resting down by his body from his shoulder by a strap. Holding it in his hands, he raised it up, ready to use it. "Right." He said. "Let's pay these kind folk a visit." Jimmie grinned at him. "Now you're speaking my language!" He said excitedly but in a hushed tone, pulling his tire iron out of a weird bag thing he kept attached to his shirt, over his shoulder, on his back. It sort of looked like a sheath for a sword, but he used it for his tire iron. I was never extremely fond of raiding, but unlike most raiders out there, I was actually born into raiding. Most people become raiders when they're faced with particularly hard times, and then they just never go back. How could you go back once you found out how fun and easy it was to raid? I, on the other hand, was actually born and raised in a raider camp. I'm probably the only raider out there that tries their hardest not to kill people while on a raid. Don't get me wrong, I'll waste any stupid son of a bitch that gets in my way or pulls a weapon on me, but I don't kill people just for the sake of killing. The human race is small enough now, why add to it and help speed our extinction? We all walked around the house to it's front side, heading for the door like the shadowy fiends from someone's nightmare. When we got to the door, Blackjack stood ready to kick the door in. Jimmie stood on the other side of the door, his tire iron at the ready, Jimmie ready to rush in as soon as the door was open. I stood across from him, my spiked knuckles biting into my hand slightly. I was getting nervous and I kept gripping them tighter than I should have, and they were starting to make my hands sore. Penelope remained nice and quiet by my side. I realized that the women's voices from inside the house had disappeared. Blackjack, in a whisper, asked Jimmie if he was ready. Jimmie grinned like a deathclaw and nodded. Then Blackjack asked me if I was ready. I slowly nodded at him. Blackjack took in a sharp breath of air before raising his leg up, propelling his foot forward. He smashed the door wide open, Jimmie rushing in, Blackjack moving inside right behind him. I heard several gasps on the inside. I heard Blackjack say "Nobody move or we'll kill you!" I stepped through the doorway and into the house. I found myself gasping. As good of an eye as Blackjack had, there was no way he could have seen the shit inside that place, not with the windows as covered as they were. There were cut up bodies everywhere. Everywhere.

I saw more blood in that moment than I think I had ever seen in my entire life. Blackjack had a blank sort of expression on his face as he held his rifle up. Two women, the young girls I had heard before sat on the ground directly ahead of us. Between the two of them lay the corpse of a young man, his chest cut open as he lay in a pool of blood. Bodies, seemingly ravaged by animals, hung from the walls from what looked like ancient meat hooks. The furnishings of the room seemed to all be made of bone. Blood, both fresh and dry, covered the walls and floor, even the two women themselves. The young woman on the left of the body was holding an arm - a fucking arm! - and she had just taken a bite out of it before Blackjack had kicked in the door. The woman sitting to the right of the body had her hands shoved into the corpse's chest through a nasty slash he had, seemingly fishing around inside him for an innard to feast upon. They both looked at us with wide and scared eyes, like little rabbits. Rabbits, heh...I remember reading about those little things in a half-burned book when I was a kid. Shame those things didn't survive the bombs, they would probably have made really cute pets. They were afraid like little rabbits, and they had reason to be. Jimmie took a quick glance around the room before a snarl of hatred appeared on his face. He was pissed, I could tell. "Fucking cannibals!" He shouted. He dashed over to the girl holding the arm, swinging his tire iron so fast it was a frigging blur. He connected with the side of her face, opening a huge gash on her head. Her head swung to the side as she fell over on the body. The other girl shrieked out "Ashley!" She pulled her hands out of the corpse's chest, grabbing a knife made of something white, I think it was bone. That would make sense, a lot of the stuff in that house looked like it was made of bone. She lunged at Jimmie with the knife, but Blackjack was quicker than she was as he aimed his rifle at her and pulled the trigger. A loud bang rang out as the woman's chest erupted in red. She collapsed to the ground, blood dripping from her lips. Jimmie walked over to her, still snarling with rage. "I fucking hate you people." The woman was dying, but she struggled to say "You don't understand!..." Jimmie chuckled. He pulled out his knife and knelt by her, jamming his knife's tip into her throat. Her eyes widened in fatal pain as Jimmie began to drag the blade along her flesh, blood pouring out of the bitch as her eyes went dead. I didn't know much about cannibals, only mentions of them when I was a kid, but I knew now that I didn't want to know much about them. Not after that scene, not after seeing those bodies. Who the hell eats people? Food is hard to find, yeah, but if you have to resort to eating people to survive, then I'm sorry, but to me you're doing it wrong. Just get out and find some, it's not really impossible. The girl gurgled up blood, choking on her own precious life-fluid. Her eyelids fully fell. Blackjack walked over to the other young woman, the one that Jimmie hit with his tire iron, apparently named Ashley. He pointed his rifle's barrel down to the side of her head. He pulled the trigger. The side of her head exploded as the bullet hit her, blowing clear through her. Blood showered out. Blackjack looked at me. I guess he realized I was looking at him. I suddenly felt stupid as hell, freezing up at the sight of the cannibal's house. I hadn't done anything so far, I felt like a hanger-on. "Just making sure she doesn't get up and stab any of us in the back," he said. I nodded. Jimmie's eyes were dark. I could tell he was growing more pissed. "They're dead, all of them!" he said, determination rocking his voice. I nodded at him, pulling out my magnum. For a moment I couldn't help but look around at the carnage of the room. Blackjack looked over to jimmie, tapping his shoulder with his hand. Jimmie looked over. Blackjack nodded towards a staircase that led up to the second floor. Jimmie nodded in understanding.

Jimmie headed over, sheathing his knife in his belt. Gripping his tire iron, he looked up the staircase, Blackjack standing by him. "Where are the other two and the old man?" I asked. "That's what we're trying to figure out." Jimmie muttered. I looked around the room. Aside from the door leading outside and the staircase going up, there was no other apparent way to any other room. The room smelled so bad, some of the bodies were half-rotten, it was sickening, absolutely sickening. there was pretty much no furniture in the room, just...Bodies..."You bastards!!" Someone screamed from up the stairs. Jimmie's eyes widened. He pulled Blackjack to the side, the both of them falling to the ground by the staircase. Shot rapidly sounded out, bullets crashing into the wall at the bottom of the staircase. If Jimmie had just dived out of the way without pulling Blackjack with him, Blackjack would've died right then and there. It sounded like uzi fire of some kind. I rush over to the staircase as the woman at the top stopped firing. I quickly reached my arm into the opening of the staircase, over the railing beside it, pulling the trigger once. I knew the recoil of my magnum would hurt my arm, seeing as how I was firing it with one hand and at a strange angle, but I didn't care. I heard a scream and a thud at the top of the steps. I poked my head out into the opening, into the open within the staircase. I had hit the woman with the uzi in the arm. In pain and panic, she had fallen to the ground. The last wench was with her, and she started to quickly drag away the girl I had shot, leaving the uzi on the ground nearby. Blackjack pointed his rifle up the staircase and fired, but he missed both of the girls. Blackjack's face grew rather angry. Jimmie grinned evilly as he pulled out one of his grenades. He pulled the safety pin away from it, tossing it up the staircase. "Suck on this, bitch!" He shouted. A scream rang out before the massive explosion occurred, me instinctively raising my hands to the sides of my head, covering my ears. Jimmie smiled and ran up the stairs. He suddenly shouted out for help. What sounded like a struggle began to sound out. Penelope ran up the stairs, Blackjack and I following. Jimmie was at the top. Turned out that his grenade had only killed the woman I had shot. The one that had tried dragging her away must have ran as soon as the grenade went up the stairs. She was struggling with Jimmie, she was trying to stab him with a knife made of bone. Blackjack raised his rifle to shoot her.

Now, a few things happened really quickly at that moment in time. A door nearby that none of us had seen before smashed open. There was the old man, a double-barrelled shotgun in his hands. I raised up my magnum. I was gonna blow that old fucker away. The girl grabbed a grenade on Jimmie's belt, pulling the pin. Distracting him over it, she managed to overcome him and stab him pretty badly in the shoulder, near his neck. Blackjack shot the woman in the chest, her body falling back on to the gnarled remains of the woman that had died from Jimmie's grenade, the one I had shot. Jimmie fell back near Blackjack, the grenade she had activated falling by him. The old guy fired his shotgun, blasting Blackjack in the side of his chest from across the room. I shot the old guy in the stomach. "Run!!" Jimmie shouted at me, pain pretty easily picked up in his voice. I knew what he meant, I had seen the woman pull the pin off of one of his grenades. The explosion would have killed us all. I ran down the steps of the staircase a bit. Jimmie was shouting out, not really saying anything. I guess he was just bracing himself for death. I didn't know if Blackjack was alive or not. I dove over the railing of the staircase into the bottom room just as the explosion went off on the second floor. I remember feeling pretty sad at that moment in time. I hadn't even realized that Penelope had followed me. I just sort of lay there for a few moments before Penelope started to lick my face. I guess she wanted me to get up, to start moving again. I got up. I still hurt from that dive, I have bruises on my chest from it. I heard someone moving around upstairs. I hastily got up and made for the door of the house. The old man was still alive! The bastard must have crawled deeper into the room he had come from to survive the blast. I rushed out the door just as the bastard fired off a shot at me. I haven't been shot often in my life, but let me to tell you this...Getting shot in the arm and the back fucking hurts. I screamed a few times while I dealt with the pain, but I never stopped moving. I kept running, fuck the raid, who cared anymore, Penelope running with me. The old man reloaded his gun and ran to the doorway of the house, shouting out at me. He fired off his two shots, but he didn't hit me or Penelope. Eventually, I got away from the house. The old man didn't follow me. I made my way to the camp that the four of us had. me and the rest were getting pretty low on supplies, that's one of the reasons why this raid seemed so great. With all the bags of stuff that those girls were bringing it, they must have had tons of stuff. I'm going to regret that raid for the rest of my life...I bandaged myself up as well as I could, but I really need some stimpacks. I'm just resting in my bed now. I made sure that the old guy couldn't follow me at all, I covered my tracks like my dad taught me. One day soon I'll go back to that house and kill that old bastard, I need to avenge Jimmie and Blackjack. God, I just realized I have a huge bruise on the side of my right tit! What the fuck!! First thing in the morning I'm heading to Illust City to get some stuff, then I'm heading back here for the old man. Oh wait, I never wrote about myself, did I? Eh, not much use, this is for myself anyway, not for anybody else. Huh, reading this back, I can see how someone reading it might have thought that I was a guy, which is not the case, heh heh. Penelope's whining for food. I'm getting pretty hungry, too. Alright, I guess I'm done writing in here for now. I'll put some more shit in here when something interesting happens. Ooh, I just realized how soft Penelope's fur is! I think I'll be resting with her tonight, hah hah! Oh wait, I never wrote about her either, did I? She's a big dog we all found one day in the wastes, and she was nice with us for some reason, which is pretty unusual for a wasteland dog...I gave her a few pieces of drymeat I had on me when we first saw her and she ended up following us and hanging out with us, so we just figured she wanted to be with us. Anyway, that's it for now, I'll put more later.

Posted by KILLY12 - April 1st, 2010

Now this is a story
all about how my life
got twisted upside down
and id like to take a minute
just sit right there
ill tell you how i became the prince
of a town called Bel-Air

In west Philadelphia
born and raised
on the playground my momma said
most of my days
chilling out, maxing
and relaxing all cool
and all shooting some b-ball
outside of school
when a couple of guys
they were up to no good
started making trouble in our neighborhood
i got in one little fight and my mom got scared
she said your moving
in with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air

i whisted for a cab and when it came near
the license plate said fresh
and had dice in the mirror
if anything i could say that this cab was rare
but i thought nah, forget it
yo home to bel-air!

i-pulled- up tp a house about seven or eight
i yelled to the cabbie yo home, smell you later
looked at my kingdom i was finally there
to sit on my throne as the prince of bel-air

The Fresh Kevin Bacon of Kevin bacon

Posted by KILLY12 - April 1st, 2010

For 10 years no one has been able to trick me.
10 year they've been getting better at it but still not getting me\
this morning my sister woke me up at 9:00 saying the door was open and someone took my XBox360.
I was going for it at first until I saw the power cord still pluged in without that big thing that you plug into the 360. I looked for what all was gone and saw that I was missing my guitar hero controller, but the other one was still their.hy take one controller but leave the other. so I went to the bathroom to think of the plan and how good it was. came out, she told me to get some papertowls from the closet and their it was.

I told em how I knew, they dont belive me, and I cant wait to get them.

April fools

The awesome day begins

Posted by KILLY12 - April 1st, 2010

Thats probably why theirs bacon on everyone's post that leads to Kevin bacon.

Also I was unable to get street fighter 4 with this small laptop, but I got street fighter 3.

April Fools