Ever tried deep fried butter?

gofuk @KILLY12

Age 30, Male

You can't make me

kill people burn shit fuck sch

Joined on 2/11/08

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KILLY12's News

Posted by KILLY12 - September 14th, 2011

Well my guitar stuff should be here by like Friday, I got me new strings today. Trying out the TITANIUM COATED STRINGS this time since I only have 1 functioning guitar so far, as soon as it comes and after I install it, I'll upload some random shit. Maybe a comparison from my old one to my new one to see the difference.

Also, who'da thunk Jesus was half alien? I did, but who'da thunk I'd be right? Well, maybe right

edit: Also I'll be taking requests. Anyone has a song they want to hear me fuck up on a cover?

By the end of the week

Posted by KILLY12 - September 14th, 2011

Well it sucks to be 2nd but its the purpose of doing it not the race.

Well, was gonna talk about her but came out its best to leave like this for now.

Please Commet

Posted by KILLY12 - September 13th, 2011

Well its been like a week and a half or 2 and my stuff has yet to come. THE HELL?!!!!!!!

Posted by KILLY12 - September 13th, 2011

I love the cold. Better allergies, the snow is beautiful, I can stay in the house without be bitched at for playing games all day. And I look even more sexy for some reason.

Fuck yeah cold

Posted by KILLY12 - September 11th, 2011

I wanna draw shit but I have no good pose ideas. 13 good character designs no pose that makes them interesting enough to draw.

Random picture

Posted by KILLY12 - September 10th, 2011

Once this damn pickup come and I get my new strings I'll record what I got so far

And heres a random drawing I did last night

New Song

Posted by KILLY12 - September 8th, 2011

Well as soon I put my new pickup in my guitar Im gonna record some random crap that come up. So what type of random crap do you want? Metalish, Bluesish, punkish, gurngeish? Maybe a cover too?

Dont record covers because it seems kinda pointless.

Pick your poop

Posted by KILLY12 - September 7th, 2011

Damn I hate it. I have to write like 3 pages today for each class. I hate writing to the deepest part of my existence. I hate my health class because its getting to personal, I hate my Government class because I hate the teacher, I hate math because he's re-teaching us stuff from 7th grade instead of seeing if we know it and moving on, I hate biology because the class is confusing as hell with the rules and we have yet to start learning anything but baby brains, and I hate spanish because its spanish and I know Im not gonna do good in it.
Only class I do like is Lit because i love the teacher. I go there and actually pay attention to what she says. We're still not learning shit in it but class has been fun.

And between this I'm trying to practice guitar, aribrush, and beat Soul Caliber IV all over again

Well... heres this

Posted by KILLY12 - September 6th, 2011

Well it is a month late but I finally got birthday presents and I gots clothes and a EMG H4A coming in the mail. SO, I might be recording more crap when I get it installed, may fix my crappy Strat that I love some some reason, and Run down purgatory on a black Harley of death with Jesus playing "The Number of the Beast" while he sings it on our way to hell so I can leave him there, kick Satin's ass and come home with a horn to remember that great day.


Happy Birth Day to me

Posted by KILLY12 - September 5th, 2011

My Xbox decided to reboot. I have to re-beat most of my games. Some I have backups on my laptop and some are still on my old hard drive. Now I need one a dos transfer cables or an old xbox 360.

Woot to one of the oldest reboots!!!!!
African History! - Once a land of geniuses and and thinkers
----After reboot - "Those drum beating monkeys did nothin and had nothin till the white man got there"

These reboots always admire how human are limitless to fucking shit up